2 |
SELECT u.*, g.*, o.logged, o.csrf_token, o.prev_url FROM
oktopusV1_core_users AS u INNER JOIN
oktopusV1_core_users_groups AS g ON g.group_id=u.group_id
LEFT JOIN oktopusV1_core_users_online AS o ON
o.ident='' WHERE u.id=1
0.00845 |
5 |
SELECT id, language, message, nom, email, url, note, ip,
visible_home, date_sign, visible, spam_status, spam_filter,
date_reponse, reponse,type,element,id_user,
DATE_FORMAT(date_sign, "%d/%m/%Y %Hh%i") AS date_sign_fr,
DATE_FORMAT(date_reponse, "%d/%m/%Y %Hh%i") AS
date_reponse_fr FROM oktopusV1_mod_guestbook WHERE 1 AND
type='1' AND visible=1 AND (spam_status = "" OR spam_status
IS NULL) AND language='fr' ORDER BY date_sign DESC LIMIT 0,5
0.00059 |
7 |
SELECT f.id, f.active, f.type, f.category, f.ord, f.html_id,
f.colonne, f.picto, f.options, f.info_personnelle, fl.title,
fl.legend, fl.description, fl.value FROM
oktopusV1_mod_contact_fields f LEFT JOIN
oktopusV1_mod_contact_fields_locales AS fl ON
fl.field_id=f.id AND fl.category=f.category WHERE 1 AND
f.active>0 AND f.category = "insert" AND fl.language='fr'
0.00608 |